The Claims Process

What is the process for a pleasurecraft insurance claim?

The process for a pleasurecraft insurance claim may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy terms. However, here is a general outline of the typical steps involved in the process of filing a pleasurecraft insurance claim:

Contact Your Insurance Provider

Notify your insurance provider as soon as possible after the incident. Most insurance companies have dedicated claims departments or hotlines that you can contact to report the claim. Provide them with the necessary information, such as your policy details, the date and time of the incident, a description of what happened, and any relevant documentation or evidence.

Claim Documentation

Your insurance provider will guide you on the required documentation for the claim. This may include completed claim forms, incident reports, photographs, or videos of the damage, estimates for repairs, and any other supporting evidence they request. Be prepared to provide accurate and detailed information about the incident to facilitate the claims process.

Claims Investigation

Once your claim is reported, the insurance provider will assign a claims adjuster to investigate the circumstances of the incident. The adjuster may contact you for additional information or to schedule an inspection of the vessel to assess the damage. They may also interview witnesses or gather other relevant information to evaluate the claim.

Damage Assessment

The claims adjuster will assess the extent of the damage to your pleasurecraft. They may review repair estimates from authorised repair facilities or appoint surveyors to evaluate the damage if needed. The adjuster will determine the scope of coverage and the amount payable under the terms of your policy.

Coverage Determination

Based on the information gathered during the investigation and the policy provisions, the insurance provider will determine the coverage applicable to your claim. They will assess whether the incident is covered, if any deductibles apply, and if there are any exclusions or limitations that may affect the claim settlement.

Claim Settlement

Once the coverage determination is made, your insurance provider will work with you to settle the claim. The settlement may involve payment for repairs, reimbursement for covered expenses, or replacement of the pleasurecraft if it is deemed a total loss. The settlement amount will depend on factors such as the policy coverage, deductibles, policy limits, and the terms of your insurance agreement.

Claim Resolution

Once the claim is settled, the insurance company will close the claim file. If you have any remaining questions or concerns, it’s advisable to communicate with your insurance provider to ensure that all aspects of the claim have been addressed to your satisfaction.


What should I do if I have an accident in my yacht?

If you have an accident in your yacht, it’s important to take appropriate actions to ensure your safety, the safety of your passengers, and protect your interests. Here are some steps to consider following an accident in your yacht:

  1. Ensure Safety: First and foremost, prioritise the safety of everyone on board. Assess the situation and check for any injuries. If there are any medical emergencies, provide immediate assistance or call for medical help if needed.
  2. Report the Incident: Contact the relevant authorities or coast guard to report the accident. Follow any legal requirements or regulations specific to your location regarding reporting accidents on the water. They will guide you on the necessary steps to take and may provide assistance.
  3. Document the Incident: Gather evidence and document the accident scene. Take photos or videos of the damage to your yacht, other vessels involved (if any), and any other relevant details. This documentation may be helpful when filing an insurance claim or dealing with legal matters later on.
  4. Exchange Information: If there are other boats or parties involved in the accident, exchange contact and insurance information with them. Obtain details such as their names, addresses, phone numbers, boat identification numbers, and insurance information. Likewise, provide your own information to the other parties involved.
  5. Notify Your Insurance Provider: Contact your yacht insurance provider as soon as possible to report the accident. They will guide you through the claims process and provide instructions on what information they require. Be prepared to provide them with details about the incident, any damages, and the involved parties.
  6. Follow Insurance Procedures: Cooperate fully with your insurance provider and follow their instructions regarding the claims process. They may require additional documentation, such as incident reports, repair estimates, or other supporting evidence. Provide them with the requested information promptly to facilitate the claims handling.
  7. Seek Legal Advice if Necessary: Depending on the severity of the accident, it may be advisable to consult with a maritime attorney to understand your legal rights and responsibilities. They can provide guidance on potential liabilities, insurance coverage, and any legal actions that may be necessary.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines, and the specific actions to take may vary based on the circumstances and location of the accident. It’s crucial to consult with the appropriate authorities, follow local regulations, and reach out to your insurance provider for personalised advice and instructions tailored to your situation.

What should I do if my boat sinks?

If your boat sinks, it can be a distressing and potentially dangerous situation. Here are some steps to take if your boat sinks:

  1. Ensure Personal Safety: Prioritise your safety and the safety of any passengers on board. If the boat is sinking rapidly, ensure that everyone is wearing life jackets or personal flotation devices (PFDs) and move to a safe location away from the sinking vessel. If possible, deploy any available safety equipment, such as life rafts or life buoys.
  2. Signal for Help: Use appropriate signalling devices to alert nearby vessels or authorities of your distress. This may include activating your Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), using flares, or making distress calls on marine radio channels. Make sure to clearly communicate your location and the nature of the emergency.
  3. Abandon Ship: If the boat is sinking rapidly and it is no longer safe to remain on board, prepare to abandon ship. If available, use life rafts or lifeboats to safely transfer everyone off the sinking vessel. Ensure that all passengers are accounted for and maintain a headcount to avoid any potential missing persons.
  4. Call for Assistance: Once safely off the sinking boat, use any available means to call for assistance. Contact the coast guard, marine rescue services, or other authorities to notify them of the sinking and provide them with your location. If there are nearby vessels, try to establish communication with them and request assistance.
  5. Document the Incident: While it may not be possible immediately, if circumstances allow, document the sinking incident. Take photos or videos of the sinking boat, noting any important details such as the location, time, and cause of the sinking. This documentation may be useful when filing an insurance claim or dealing with any subsequent legal matters.
  6. Notify Your Insurance Provider: Contact your pleasurecraft insurance provider as soon as possible to report the sinking incident. They will guide you through the claims process and provide instructions on what information they require. Be prepared to provide details about the sinking, any salvage efforts, and any other relevant information they may need.
  7. Salvage and Recovery: Depending on the circumstances, you may need to arrange for the salvage and recovery of the sunken boat. Consult with your insurance provider and seek professional assistance from salvage companies to assess the feasibility and process of recovering the vessel, if desired.

It’s important to consult with your insurance provider or a qualified maritime professional regarding the specific actions to take after a boat sinking incident. They can provide personalised advice based on your policy coverage, local regulations, and the circumstances of the sinking. Remember, safety should always be the top priority in any emergency situation.

What steps should I take to 'first-aid' the engine on my yacht after it’s been flooded?

If the engine of your yacht has been flooded, taking prompt action can help minimise damage and increase the chances of successful recovery. Here are some steps to consider for first-aiding the engine after it has been flooded:

  1. Ensure Safety: Before attempting any actions on the flooded engine, make sure the boat is in a safe condition and that there are no immediate risks or dangers present. Disconnect the power source to the engine to prevent accidental starts or electrical hazards.
  2. Document the Damage: Take photos or videos of the flooded engine to document the extent of the damage. This documentation may be useful for insurance claims or when seeking professional assistance.
  3. Dry Out the Engine Compartment: If the engine compartment is still flooded, remove the water as quickly as possible. Use bilge pumps, wet/dry vacuums, or manual bailing to remove standing water. Ensure that the bilge pumps and other electrical components are working properly and not compromised by water damage.
  4. Disconnect Power and Fuel: Disconnect the battery cables and turn off the fuel supply to the engine. This step is crucial to prevent electrical shorts or fuel-related hazards during the first-aid process.
  5. Assess the Damage: Once the engine compartment is dry, assess the extent of the damage caused by the flooding. Inspect the engine components, wiring, and electrical connections for signs of water intrusion, corrosion, or damage. Pay attention to exposed metal parts, connectors, and electrical systems.
  6. Flush with Freshwater: If the engine was exposed to saltwater, flushing it with freshwater can help remove salt deposits and minimise corrosion. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a marine technician for guidance on how to properly flush the specific engine model.
  7. Professional Inspection and Servicing: After completing the initial steps, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a qualified marine technician or engine specialist. They have the expertise and equipment to perform a detailed inspection, assess the damage, and recommend the necessary repairs or servicing. They may also advise on whether it is safe to attempt any further actions on your own or if professional intervention is required.

It’s important to note that the above steps provide a general guideline and the specific actions required may vary based on the type of engine and the extent of the damage. Consulting the engine manufacturer’s guidelines, the yacht’s manual, or seeking professional advice is highly recommended to ensure the proper and safe handling of the flooded engine.

Why is pleasurecraft insurance different from motor insurance?

Pleasurecraft insurance and motor insurance are different because they cater to distinct types of vehicles and associated risks. Here are some key reasons why pleasurecraft insurance differs from motor insurance:

  1. Nature of Vehicles: Pleasurecraft insurance specifically covers boats, yachts, and other recreational watercraft used for leisure purposes. Motor insurance, on the other hand, is designed for land-based vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, trucks, and other vehicles used primarily for transportation on roads.
  2. Operating Environment: Pleasurecraft insurance is tailored to the unique risks and challenges of operating watercraft on bodies of water like oceans, lakes, rivers, and other navigable waters. Motor insurance, in contrast, focuses on the risks and regulations associated with driving vehicles on public roads.
  3. Risks Covered: Pleasurecraft insurance provides coverage for risks commonly associated with boating and water-based activities, such as collisions, capsizing, sinking, theft, vandalism, and liability for accidents on the water. Motor insurance typically covers risks like collisions, theft, vandalism, third-party liability for accidents on the road, and damage to property caused by vehicles.
  4. Policy Features: Pleasurecraft insurance policies often include specific provisions related to salvage and wreck removal, towing assistance, personal watercraft coverage (e.g., Jet Skis), and coverage for accessories and equipment used in boating activities. Motor insurance policies may include features such as roadside assistance, rental car coverage, and coverage for specific types of vehicle modifications.
  5. Legal Requirements: While motor insurance is often legally required in many jurisdictions to operate a vehicle on public roads, pleasurecraft insurance requirements can vary. Some regions or waterways may have specific regulations mandating pleasurecraft insurance, while in other areas, it may be optional. It’s essential to be aware of the legal requirements pertaining to boating and pleasurecraft insurance in your specific jurisdiction.
  6. Navigational Limits: Pleasurecraft insurance policies may specify navigational limits that outline where the insured boat can operate while still being covered by the policy. These limits can include geographic boundaries, distance from shore, and specific bodies of water. Motor insurance typically does not have such limitations since vehicles can generally travel on public roads within the legal limits.

While there may be some similarities between pleasurecraft insurance and motor insurance, the differences in the vehicles, operating environments, risks, and policy features make them distinct forms of insurance designed to address the specific needs of boating and land-based transportation.

Why does my motor insurer have approved repairers, but my yacht insurer doesn't?

The presence of approved repairers may vary between motor insurance and yacht insurance due to several factors:

  1. Repair Network Availability: Motor insurers often have a wide network of approved repairers due to the sheer number of vehicles on the road and the need for efficient and widespread repair services. This network allows motor insurers to streamline the claims process and ensure quick access to authorised repair facilities.
  2. Specialised Repair Needs: Yacht repairs often require specialised knowledge and facilities due to the unique nature of boats and yachts. Unlike motor vehicles, which can be repaired at general auto repair shops, yacht repairs may involve marine-specific repairs, such as hull repairs, engine servicing, electrical systems, and rigging. The availability of specialised repair facilities may be limited in certain locations, making it more challenging for yacht insurers to maintain an extensive network of approved repairers.
  3. Diverse Yacht Types and Locations: Yachts come in various sises, types, and configurations, and are used in different geographical locations. The diversity and geographic dispersion of yachts can make it difficult for yacht insurers to establish a comprehensive network of approved repairers that can cater to all yacht owners’ needs across different regions.
  4. Owner Preferences and Flexibility: Yacht owners often have personal relationships with preferred repair facilities or service providers, and they may prefer to work with those they trust or have a longstanding relationship with. Yacht insurers may allow owners the flexibility to choose their preferred repairers, as long as the repair facility meets certain criteria or standards set by the insurer.

It’s important to note that while yacht insurers may not have an approved repairer network, they can still provide guidance or recommendations for reputable repair facilities or assist in locating qualified professionals who can perform the necessary repairs or maintenance on your yacht. In case of a claim, your yacht insurer can work closely with you to assess the damage and suggest suitable repair options based on their expertise and knowledge of the industry.

What do I do if I run aground?

If you run aground with your boat, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Assess the Situation: Stay calm and assess the situation to determine the extent of the grounding and whether there is any immediate danger to yourself, passengers, or the vessel. Ensure everyone on board is wearing a life jacket as a precaution.
  2. Check for Damage: Inspect the boat for any signs of damage, such as hull breaches, leaks, or other visible issues. If you notice any damage or suspect there may be damage, it’s important to address it promptly and take necessary actions to prevent further harm.
  3. Evaluate Tide and Weather Conditions: Consider the tide and weather conditions to determine if the water level may rise or fall, potentially affecting your ability to free the boat. If the tide is expected to rise, it may help refloat the vessel.
  4. Assess Water Depth: Determine the water depth around the boat. If the water is too shallow, attempting to move the boat immediately may cause further damage. Wait for high tide or seek assistance from professionals or authorities with experience in refloating boats.
  5. Communicate and Seek Assistance: Contact the appropriate authorities, such as the local Coast Guard or marine rescue services, to inform them of the situation and seek guidance. They can provide advice, dispatch assistance, or notify other relevant parties if necessary.
  6. Reduce Weight and Refloat the Boat: If it is safe to do so, you can try to refloat the boat by reducing weight on board. This can involve removing heavy items, such as gear or fuel, to lighten the vessel. Use appropriate techniques, such as rocking the boat gently or using propulsion, to try to free it from the grounding. However, be cautious not to cause further damage to the boat or the environment.
  7. Seek Professional Assistance: If your attempts to refloat the boat are unsuccessful, or if the grounding has caused significant damage, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance from a salvage company or a qualified marine towing service. They have the expertise, specialised equipment, and experience to handle grounding situations and minimise potential risks.

Remember, running aground can be a stressful situation, but staying calm, assessing the circumstances, and taking appropriate actions will help you navigate the situation more effectively. Prioritise safety and seek professional assistance when needed to ensure the best outcome for yourself, your passengers, and your boat.

What should I do if my engine breaks down at sea?

Experiencing an engine breakdown at sea can be challenging, but here are some steps you can take if your engine breaks down:

  1. Stay Calm and Ensure Safety: Remain calm and prioritise the safety of yourself and your passengers. Make sure everyone is wearing life jackets, and if necessary, deploy any required safety equipment such as flares or distress signals to alert nearby vessels of your situation.
  2. Assess the Problem: Try to determine the cause of the engine breakdown if it is safe to do so. Check for any obvious issues such as fuel problems, electrical failures, or mechanical malfunctions. If you are unable to identify the problem or resolve it easily, it may be necessary to proceed with other steps.
  3. Attempt Basic Troubleshooting: If you have some knowledge of boat engines and it is safe to do so, you can attempt basic troubleshooting. Check the fuel supply, ensure the battery connections are secure, and verify that the engine is receiving proper ventilation. However, avoid attempting any repairs or adjustments beyond your expertise, as this can cause further damage.
  4. Establish Communication: Use your marine VHF radio or any other available communication devices to contact the appropriate authorities or nearby vessels. Inform them of your situation, your location, and request assistance. The Coast Guard or other maritime rescue services can provide guidance, coordinate rescue efforts, or provide advice on the best course of action.
  5. Deploy Auxiliary Propulsion: If your boat has an auxiliary propulsion system, such as a backup engine, sail, or oars, you can attempt to use them to navigate to a safe location or return to shore. Use any available means to maintain control and manoeuvrability of the boat while keeping in mind the prevailing weather and sea conditions.
  6. Use Anchors or Drift: If you are unable to restore propulsion or deploy auxiliary means of propulsion, use your anchors to maintain position, especially if you are in a potentially hazardous area. If it is safe and the circumstances allow, you can drift with the current until assistance arrives or until you can resolve the engine issue.
  7. Await Assistance and Monitor Communication: Stay vigilant and keep monitoring your communication devices for updates or instructions from authorities or nearby vessels. Provide them with any additional information they may require to locate and assist you effectively.

It is crucial to remember that each boating situation is unique, and the appropriate actions may vary depending on factors such as location, weather conditions, and vessel capabilities. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with boating safety procedures, carry appropriate safety equipment, and, if possible, undertake boating education or training courses to enhance your preparedness and knowledge in handling emergencies at sea.

What does Indemnity mean?

Indemnity refers to a legal principle or concept in insurance that aims to restore a person or entity to the same financial position they were in before a loss or damage occurred. It is the obligation of the insurer to provide indemnity to the insured under the terms of an insurance policy.

In the context of insurance, indemnity means that the insurance company will compensate the insured for covered losses or damages up to the policy limits. The purpose of indemnity is to prevent the insured from profiting or suffering a financial loss as a result of an insured event.

Here are a few key points to understand about indemnity in insurance:

  1. Financial Compensation: Indemnity involves providing financial compensation to the insured for covered losses or damages. The insurer typically reimburses the insured for the actual monetary value of the loss or the cost of repairs or replacements, depending on the type of coverage and the terms of the policy.
  2. Principle of Indemnity: The principle of indemnity states that the insured should not receive more than the actual amount of the loss or damage suffered. It aims to restore the insured to the same financial position they were in before the insured event occurred, without allowing them to make a profit from the insurance claim.
  3. Deductibles and Limits: Insurance policies often include deductibles, which are the amounts that the insured must pay out of pocket before the insurer provides indemnity. Policy limits set the maximum amount the insurer will pay for covered losses, typically based on the coverage purchased and stated in the policy.
  4. Subrogation: In the context of indemnity, subrogation refers to the insurer’s right to pursue recovery from third parties who may be responsible for the insured loss. If the insurer pays indemnity to the insured for a loss caused by a third party, the insurer may seek reimbursement or recovery from that third party through legal means.

It’s important to review the terms and conditions of your insurance policy to understand the specific details of the indemnity provision and how it applies to your coverage. The principle of indemnity ensures that insurance provides financial protection to policyholders while maintaining fairness and preventing undue advantage or loss.

Why does my yacht insurer want the repair invoice made out to me?

There could be a few reasons why your yacht insurer may want the repair invoice to be made out to you:

  1. Proof of Payment: By having the repair invoice made out to you, the insurer can verify that you have actually paid for the repairs. This is important because the insurer typically reimburses you for the covered repair costs, up to the limits specified in your policy. By having the invoice in your name, it serves as evidence of your financial responsibility and the actual expenses incurred.
  2. Claim Verification: The insurer may want to ensure that the repairs were necessary and directly related to the covered loss or damage. Having the invoice in your name allows them to cross-reference it with the claim details and any supporting documentation to verify the validity and accuracy of the claim.
  3. Ownership Verification: The invoice in your name helps confirm that you are the owner of the yacht and have the authority to make decisions regarding repairs. It ensures that the reimbursement is directed to the correct individual or entity, minimizing the risk of fraudulent claims or payments.
  4. Compliance with Policy Terms: Some insurance policies have specific requirements regarding the payment and settlement of claims. By having the invoice made out to you, the insurer can adhere to the policy terms and procedures for claim reimbursement.

It’s important to communicate with your yacht insurer to understand their specific requirements and reasons for requesting the invoice in your name. If you have any concerns or questions, it’s advisable to reach out to your insurer directly for clarification. They will be able to provide you with guidance and instructions on how to proceed with the claims process, including the submission of repair invoices.

What is subrogation and why can't my insurer just claim directly from the third party without having to make payment under my policy?

Subrogation is a legal principle that allows an insurance company, after it has paid a claim to the insured, to step into the insured’s shoes and pursue recovery or seek reimbursement from third parties who may be responsible for the loss or damage. While it may seem logical for the insurer to claim directly from the third party without making payment under your policy, there are reasons why subrogation is the typical process:

  1. Fulfilment of Policy Obligations: As the insured, you have entered into a contractual agreement with your insurance company, which includes the obligation to pay your claim in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy. By making payment under your policy, the insurer fulfils its contractual obligations to you.
  2. Expediency and Financial Assistance: When an insured suffers a loss, insurance companies aim to provide timely financial assistance to help the insured recover and mitigate any immediate financial burdens. By promptly paying the claim, the insurer assists the insured in restoring their financial position and addressing the loss or damage.
  3. Legal Standing: In order to pursue recovery from a third party, the insurer typically needs to establish legal standing, which is strengthened by having made payment under the policy. Payment under the policy provides evidence of the insurer’s financial involvement and interest in the claim, strengthening their position in any legal proceedings or negotiations with the responsible third party.
  4. Cost Control and Efficiency: By following the subrogation process, the insurer has more control over the investigation and recovery process. They can manage the claim internally, utilizing their resources and expertise to assess liability, gather evidence, and negotiate with the third party on behalf of the insured. This approach allows the insurer to maximise their chances of recovering the paid claim amount and potentially reducing the overall costs of the claim settlement.
  5. Protecting the Insured’s Interest: Subrogation aims to protect the insured’s interests by seeking reimbursement from the responsible party. If the insurer successfully recovers the claim amount, it may result in lower premiums or policy costs for the insured in the long run. It also helps prevent unjust enrichment, as the responsible third party should be held accountable for their actions or negligence that led to the loss or damage.

It’s important to note that the specific subrogation process can vary based on jurisdiction, policy terms, and the circumstances of the claim. Your insurance policy should outline the insurer’s subrogation rights and the process they follow to pursue recovery. If you have questions or concerns about subrogation, it’s recommended to consult with your insurance provider or seek legal advice for specific guidance related to your situation.

What is a Form of Discharge and why does my Insurer want me to sign one?

A Form of Discharge, in the context of insurance, is a legal document that releases the insurance company from any further liability or obligations related to a specific claim or incident. When an insurer requests you to sign a Form of Discharge, they are seeking your acknowledgement and agreement that the claim has been resolved, and they have fulfilled their obligations under the insurance policy.

Here are a few key points to understand about Forms of Discharge:

  1. Claim Resolution: The Form of Discharge signifies that the insurance claim has been settled or resolved to the satisfaction of both parties involved. It serves as evidence that the insurer has fulfilled their obligations by providing the agreed-upon compensation or benefits for the claim.
  2. Release of Liability: By signing the Form of Discharge, you acknowledge that you have received the appropriate payment or settlement for the claim, and, in exchange, you release the insurance company from any further obligations, liability, or claims related to that specific incident or loss. It prevents you from seeking additional compensation for the same claim in the future.
  3. Legal Protection: The Form of Discharge helps protect the insurance company from future disputes or litigation regarding the claim. It provides a clear record of the agreement between you and the insurer, reducing the potential for misunderstandings or disagreements down the line.
  4. Finality and Closure: Signing the Form of Discharge signifies the final resolution of the claim and allows both parties to move forward. It brings closure to the claims process, allowing you to receive the settlement and the insurer to close their file on the claim.

Before signing a Form of Discharge, it’s crucial to review it carefully and ensure that you fully understand its implications. Take the time to read and comprehend the terms and conditions stated in the form. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with your insurance company or seek legal advice to ensure that you are making an informed decision.

By signing the Form of Discharge, you are acknowledging that you are satisfied with the resolution of the claim and are releasing the insurer from further liability. However, it’s important to note that signing the Form of Discharge does not prevent you from pursuing claims for unrelated incidents or seeking recourse for issues that may arise in the future.

Why does my Insurer only auto acknowledge my first email and not subsequent emails?

The practice of auto-acknowledgment of the first email is a common practice for many insurance companies and customer service departments. The purpose of auto-acknowledgment is to inform you that your initial email has been received and that it is being processed. It helps provide assurance that your inquiry or claim has been successfully transmitted to the appropriate department for further handling.

However, it’s important to note that auto-acknowledgment emails are typically automated responses generated by a system, and they may not indicate that your subsequent emails have been received or read. This is why you might not receive auto-acknowledgment for subsequent emails.

The reason for this is that insurance companies and customer service departments often prioritise reviewing and responding to new or unread emails over duplicate or follow-up messages. They focus on addressing new inquiries or claims to ensure timely and efficient communication.

If you have sent subsequent emails and have not received acknowledgment, it’s advisable to consider the following steps:

  1. Be Patient: Allow some time for the insurer or customer service department to review and respond to your initial email. They may be experiencing a high volume of inquiries or have specific response timeframes outlined in their communication policy.
  2. Check Spam or Junk Folders: Sometimes, automated responses or subsequent emails can end up in spam or junk folders. Make sure to check these folders in your email client to ensure you haven’t missed any updates or responses.
  3. Follow Up: If you haven’t received a response within a reasonable time frame or you have urgent concerns, it’s recommended to follow up with the insurer or customer service department. You can do this by sending a polite and concise follow-up email or contacting them through other available communication channels, such as phone or live chat if applicable.

By following these steps, you can increase the likelihood of receiving a timely response and ensure that your subsequent emails are acknowledged and addressed by the insurer or customer service department.

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